Friday, August 30, 2002

Rotten Egg

The manager at Gascogne sent an empathetic response to my e-mail and apologized, saying she "felt sad reading your note because I have a very nice staff, unfortunately there is always the proverbial rotten egg in the basket!"

She then explained that she was grateful that I had sent her the e-mail and that to call her ahead of time if I ever decide to return. So I replied.

"Thank you for your reply. After writing the e-mail, I went back to the City Search New York Web site ( to see if others had similar experiences. Then I was reminded why I had chosen your restaurant in the first place - the comments regarding superior service were nearly unanimous. You have explained and I now realize that misfortune may have paired that particular waiter with us and that he may have been the exception, not the rule.

"I have no immediate plans to return to New York, but when I do, I'm willing to give Gascogne another try.

"Thanks again for your thoughtful response."

Walk in the City

My car stalled yesterday, so this morning, my sister dropped me off on Kapiolani, and I walked about a mile to work. It's interesting the things you miss when you drive on a street. Walking puts sidewalk life in the center of your world for the moments you pass by.

I always wondered what it was like to live in those cinderblock apartments along Kapiolani. This morning, I saw people sitting out on their lanai, guys shirtless, peering at the sidewalk life, unharried. I walked farther and heard rock music from behind white curtains. I saw entrances that were supposed to have iron gates, removed somehow, and neglected. I saw how dusty some walkup stairs were and just how dark and just how blue they were. Then the litter. Tons of smashed paper cups and Pepsi cans and straws embedded in patches of grass along the sidewalk. Made me question what motivates a person to actually toss trash in such visible places.

Posted by ruth at August 30, 2002 10:16 AM

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